Promote transparency into improvement work across your organization
Organize projects and empower teams to achieve goals
Spread good ideas with a permanent knowledge repository
Establish a consistent process to get everyone on the same page
Know, grow, and show the impact of improvement
Committed to partnering with you to increase adoption and spread improvement
Access Lean experts that know how to leverage KaiNexus in the most effective way
Creative, customized solutions to incorporate KaiNexus into all your improvement work
Our team is here for you with a best-in-class response rate
Configure KaiNexus to solve problems in ways that you thought were unimaginable
Customized, one-on-one training that fits your organization when you need it
Access a dedicated team to help spread CI and system adoption within your organization
Regular releases that include enhancements and new features purpose-built for CI
Empower employees to engage in improvement in every job, every day
Organize initiatives and projects to achieve team goals
Align all improvement work under strategic pillars and communicate them effectively
Diagnose problem areas in your metrics and identify ways to solve them
Manage activities within your improvement processes
Configure A3s based on your processes and see all your relevant data in one template
Engage everyone in daily huddles, no matter where they are from any location
See how your strategies and actions tie together by drilling down into the details
Small, incremental improvements over time that impact your organization
Visualize the cause and effect relationship of the variables concerning your problem
Create a standard protocol for how your organization approaches problems
Improve communication between employees and visualize the work that needs to be done
Bring the data in Six Sigma projects to life and improve business processes more effectively
Identify problems, see statuses at a glance, engage staff, and take action
Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your PDSA process
Connect your improvement work with critical business information systems
Track cost reduction, production, saving schedules, and multi-currency usage
Personalize the look and feel of KaiNexus to promote brand cohesion and system adoption
Bring your data to life with customized charts that reflect your unique needs
Build customizable workflows with flexible approval processes
Increase visibility with boards that can be displayed and updated from anywhere
Get updates everywhere, instantly on a single platform
Manage every type of improvement work in one platform
Give people the information they need when they need it
Search the knowledge repository so you never solve the same problem twice
Keep up with improvement from anywhere at anytime
Recognize and reward employee behaviors that drive improvement
Unite both local and dispersed teams around improvement
Come together to spread improvement at KaiNexicon 2025
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Discover continuous improvement and Lean tips and tricks
See how companies use KaiNexus to spread improvement
Listen to the latest episode from the KaiNexus Continuous Improvement podcast
Learn about basic improvement principles with our education videos
See how KaiNexus will help you to start, spread, and sustain improvement in your own organization.
See what you should be doing to start, spread, and sustain an improvement culture.
Learn how to measure and report the ROI of continuous improvement in this free webinar.
Leveraging a Strategy to Execution Framework: A Journey of Transformation
Enterprise Excellence is Inclusive Excellence
Lean: From Theory to Practice
Developing Coaching Skills: Mine, Yours, Ours
Apply Operations Science to Accelerate Success Now
A Poka-Yoke Primer: Mistake-Proofing and Error Reduction
Engaging Senior Leaders to Accelerate Your Continuous Improvement Program
Learn How to Deliver Sustainable Change
The Importance of Trust in Continuous Improvement
Building Cultures of Commitment
Cultivating a Culture of Learning from Mistakes
Why Kindness is the Key to Lean Leadership
Psychological Safety: A Pre-Condition for Continuous Improvement
Person-Centered Improvement
Sustaining Continuous Improvement with Habit Science
Building a Culture of Empowerment
Managing Transformation Projects, Improvements, and Learning in a Virtual Environment
Introducing the Connections Between Habit Science and Continuous Improvement
Deepen Your Lean Leadership Skills with Brain Science
How to Create a Continuous Improvement Culture by Closing the GAPS
The Importance of Storytelling in Continuous Improvement
How To Design Organizational Habits That Propagate a Culture of Continuous Improvement
Connecting Continuous Improvement to the Bottom Line
Raising Lean Thinkers in a Lean House
A Path Forward: Reflections on Patient Safety, Just Culture, and the Nursing Profession after the RaDonda Vaught Conviction
My Favorite Mistake, Your Favorite Mistake? Learning From Mistakes as Individuals and Organizations
Building a Learning Organization Leadership Practices & Human Skills that Promote Learning
Impactful Methods to Benefit Organizational Knowledge Management and Continuous Improvement Efforts
The Power of Process: The Role of the System Architect
Lean for Knowledge Workers
4 Key Steps to Get Buy-In
How to Create Psychological Safety at Work Using the 5CS
The Wheel of Sustainability: Engaging and Empowering Teams to Produce Lasting Results
Motivational Interviewing: The Key to Effective Conversations About Change
An Innovative “Patient First” Vaccination Clinic Design
The Value of Small Improvements
Kata in the Community
The Colors of Love
When Brothers Meet at Gemba
Plan & Vote for Kindness
Understanding your Strengths and Blind Spots for Enhanced Buy-In and Communication
“Primero Kaikaku… Evento Kaizen Después”
How Lean and C.I. Help You Get More Nimble and Adaptive in a Pandemic (and Beyond)
Leading with Respect: Standard Work for Frontline Leaders
6 Key Steps to Create a Culture of Improvement
Transitioning Lean from Manufacturing to the Office
Better Decision Making: Avoiding the Conclusion Trap and Other Pitfalls
Real Continuous Improvement in Virtual Workplaces 2: The Sequel
Sharing Our Visions and Voices to #RootCauseRacism
Six Weeks to Success
Strategy Deployment: Driving Strategies Across The System
Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn
A TP3 Approach to Manage Manufacturing Competitiveness After the Pandemic
Becoming the Change: Leadership Behavior Strategies for Continuous Improvement in Healthcare
Leadership Behaviors to Guide Effective Change
The Power of Alignment and Intrinsic Motivation in CI
Coaching Strategies for Leaders
How to Avoid Common Pitfalls in the DMAIC Methodology
Solutions for Sustaining an Improvement Culture
Capturing and Managing Improvement Opportunities
From Ambivalence to Action: Lessons from Motivational Interviewing
Real Continuous Improvement in Virtual Workplaces
Pursuing Zero-Harm: A Powerful Platform for Embedding Lean Capability
Why Great Leaders Must Unlearn to Succeed in Today's Exponential World
2019 KaiNexus Software Demo
A Great Idea Isn't Enough for Successful Change
Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement at MHS
Using Process Behavior Chart to Improve: Case Studies
Applying Strategy Deployment to Your Personal Goals
Burn Your Ships: Generating Momentum for Sustained Change
TWI and Kata: Skill Patterns to Develop a Culture of Coaching
KaiNexus 2018 Q3 Update
Metrics and Statistics Don't Have to Be Scary
A Structured Approach to Problem-Solving
Using Hoshin Kanri to Align & Coordinate Lean Strategy
The Lowdown on A3 Software[Recorded Demo]
KaiNexus 2018 Q2 Updates
How to Navigate the Transformation Continuum
Bottom-Up Improvement Software (Recorded Demo)
Top-Down Improvement Software (Recorded Demo)
How KaiNexus Supports Strategy Deployment
Putting Strategy Back in Strategy Deployment
Learning to Embrace Positive Deviance
Components of an Employee-Led Improvement Initiative
A Deep Dive into A3 Thinking
How to Ease the Pain of Change
Effective Collaboration Across Organizations & Industries
Cascading Strategy Through Hoshin Kanri
How a Lean in Public Schools Applies to Everyone
Engaging Leaders and the Baldrige Framework to Advance Excellence
When Leaders Collaborate: Finding A-Ha Moments
How to Leverage Lean for Long-Term Success
Teaming with Patients to Improve Safety
How to Use A3 Thinking in Everyday Life
Everything You Need to Know About Strategy Deployment
The Intersection of Culture & Technology
Strength in Numbers: Bottom-Up Improvement
The Why, How and What of Continuous Improvement
The ROI of Continuous Improvement
Lifting the Curse of Year-End Improvement Reporting
How to Manage Your Improvement Metrics Better
Personal Leadership at the Nexus of Lean & Zen
How to Turn Ideas into Improvements
How to Get Buy-In for Improvement
Go Slow to Go Fast: Using Practical Problem Solving to Spread Kaizen
How Leading Companies Are Improving Visual Management
When Post-Its Just Don't Cut it Anymore: Adopting KaiNexus
Making Time for Continuous Improvement
3 Key Assumptions of Lean Leaders
How to Coach for Creativity and Service Excellence
A Lean Management System in KaiNexus
WEBINAR SERIES: Ask Us Anything!
Building the Fit Organization
Creating a Lean Foundation in Professional Services Firms
How Leadership and A Systematic Approach Spread Improvement
KaiNexus in Action [Demo on Demand]
How to be an Influential Kaizen Coach
The Science Behind Resistance to Change
The 10 Commandments of Lean in Government
How Continuous Improvement Helps Execs. Sleep Better
Leadership Behaviors that Create an Improvement Culture
How Personal Growth Plans Support Improvement
How to Spread Continuous Improvement
Congratulations, You Have Lots of Employee Ideas! Now What?
MORE Leadership Behaviors for a Culture of Improvement
System-Wide Approach to Process Improvement [Customer Story]
Daily Management: From Huddle Boards to Web-Based Technology
The Art and Science Behind Successful Lean Transformations
How to Drive Behaviors to Increase Your Performance Gains
Getting Started with Continuous Improvement
How to Turn Continuous Improvement and Your PMO into an Innovation Team
Eliminating Bottlenecks with KaiNexus
Summer Updates: Check out the Awesome New KaiNexus Features
The Kaizen / Kata Nexus: How a Free Idea Can Be Priceless
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