You worked hard to find a setup for your physical boards that works for you, and it's important to preserve it as you transition to electronic boards. KaiNexus offers the flexibility to choose how to configure your boards.
One of the most challenging aspects of old fashioned wall boards is that they're only engaging if you're in front of them. KaiNexus keeps your team actively engaged all the time using smart notifications.
What happens to a card after you take it off of your board? Is that knowledge buried in a spreadsheet - or lost? KaiNexus creates a repository accessible to anyone with complete details and metrics.
While a classic wall board shows a list of improvements, KaiNexus' digital boards let you drill down into each one and engage with the team, making meetings more efficient and productive.
When someone has an idea for improvement, do they have to walk over to your board to post it? KaiNexus decreases that barrier by empowering people to submit improvements with a text or email right from their work station or mobile device.
Get an overview of improvement in your organization with a digital Kanban board that automatically updates as each initiative progresses.
Drill down into all levels and locations of your organization, and click through to see every detail of any improvement in real-time.
Displaying your digital boards on the wall is a great way to keep people engaged while giving them access to the details they need to improve. Rotating the boards appearing on the displays is even better.
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